Day of the Young Child Grant

DETROIT DAY OF THE YOUNG CHILD – Application Open (See Below for Link to Application)

The Detroit Day of the Young Child is on April 27, 2025. Community Connections invites groups of parents, families or neighbors, grassroots organizations, and formal or informal early childhood care providers to apply for projects that support children ages 0-8 and their families.


The Day of the Young Child Grant supports Detroit leaders in celebrating, investing in, and uplifting Detroit’s children through projects that:


1) Engage young children in project activities that promote healthy and positive early starts in life.

2) Demonstrate changes in the community that support young children and their families.

3) Showcase team’s efforts toward making Detroit great for young children.


Groups are invited to apply for grants up to $500 for projects that take place between April 25th and May 5th. Projects should elevate, celebrate, and support expectant mommies, mommies, daddies, families, caregivers, and young children ages 0-8 in Detroit.


Community Connections has been investing in Detroit’s grassroots leaders and groups since 2006. Community Connections has supported over one thousand five hundred innovative, community-driven projects. Many find it revolutionary that we provide grants to regular folks – our expanding network of hundreds of frontline responders such as grassroots and community groups, teachers, childcare providers, and other public servants are grant recipients.

Residents of the community are the grantmakers. They lead decisions on grantmaking and meet monthly to award funds. We actively outreach and provide technical assistance to neighborhood groups in order to support a wide variety of applicants. We provide capacity-building opportunities to grant reviewers and grantees, keeping them informed and informing others about trends in the field. Grantees are convened regularly for networking, collaboration, and resource sharing.



1) Groups of parents, caregivers, grassroots groups serving children, and early childhood providers may apply for funding up to $500.


2) Projects can be a day or longer, but all projects must start no earlier than April 25th and be completed by May 5th.


3) Applications are due by March 21st at noon.


4) Projects should be documented with video or pictures and a sign-in sheet. Final reports are due by June 1st, 2025. Project leaders are required to turn in receipts documenting expenditures.


5) Projects may be virtual, hybrid, or in-person.


Apply for the Day of the Young Child 2025 Grant Here:

Our Funders

Our grant programs are generously funded by:

If you're interested in learning more about our programs or grassroots grantmaking as a strategy to reach your goals, Contact Us.